Health Coaching - working together

mobile or in-person: wellness coaching wherever you are

Together we will work  to create a whole life approach to achieving your goals and living with more delight and inspiration.  Before your first appointment, you will fill out a questionnaire that will be our jumping off place. We meet on the phone, via Skype or FaceTime, and sometimes in person.

In each session, I get to know you a bit more, learning what makes you tick, what lifts you up and what bogs you down - from foods to commitments to hobbies and activities. We’ll work together to find ways you can bring in more joy and ease, and ways to minimize stress. Each session is guided by the previous one, and the action steps you’ve taken between our appointments and what is happening in your life.

Ways I support my clients: recipes, shopping lists, menu ideas, food sensitivity lists (what to avoid, how to read labels), supplement recommendations, discounts on supplements through Wellevate, shopping or cooking together, reading suggestions, resources for learning new things, guided meditations or visualization, care packages (see the upgrade option below “Packages”).

Email Support

After every session I will send you a recap with highlights of what we discussed, reminders of action steps for you to take, recipes for you to try, new habits to explore, etc.


My clients feel supported and validated. Many find new approaches that make life easier, sometimes it’s in the kitchen, sometimes in their relationships, some implement healthier boundaries, many feel encouraged to be more themselves in their creative expression and how they are living.


By contacting me through this website, or by email ( or phone 207-415-2795. Watch for online scheduling and payment options soon. Payment available through PayPal.


Mini-Deep Dive

This is a short, intensive way to see if working with me is a good fit for you. A month of weekly conversations about your goals, challenges and progress with action steps to take each week that will build on what you are learning and experiencing. 4 weeks, 4 1-hour sessions, 4 follow-up emails with recap and action steps (may include recipes, exercises, mediations, etc.) $380 (a $420 value)

3-Month Or 6-Month Program

Pace yourself with an appointment every 2 weeks for either 3 or 6 months to get the most benefit from incremental change. One step builds on the previous one. Each time you learn a new skill or tame an old habit that’s held you back you feel more free. This takes time, so invest in yourself and I will be by your side.

  • 3-month program = 12 weeks, 6 1-hour sessions, 6 follow-up emails with recap and action steps, $570 (a $630 value)

  • 6-month program = 24 weeks, 12 1-hour conversations, 12 follow-up emails with recap and action steps, $1,140 (a $1,260 value)

Upgrade any of these to include Care Packages from me specifically for you based on what you are working on. I love sending my clients just what they might need to take the next step. Past care packages have included: samples of foods, spices and teas; a kitchen gadget; inspiring books of poetry or a memoir; cookbooks and recipes; heated neck wrap; lavender sachets; music; essential oils; eye pillow; a white board with pens; special crystals and stones; sage smudge stick, really anything goes if it will help you on your path. If you’d love to get these between your appointments with me, choose the Care Package upgrade for $100/month.

P.S. I will still suggest what I would get for you… this just makes it fun and you don’t have to do the shopping, plus you get happy mail!

Once you have completed a series of sessions with me, I will be available to you for single or multiple follow-up sessions if/when you need at $95/ 1 hour (includes follow up email between appointments).

other rejuvenating services

I also offer light-touch bodywork and distance Reiki that is deeply healing, relaxing, and rejuvenating.